Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy Laborpendence Day!

What's that you say? You haven't heard of Laborpendence Day, that hallowed day of portmanteau bacchanalian revelry? Neither did I ere a month ago.

My good friend Becky was kind enough to throw a Laborpendence Day party Saturday evening and advised me to bring bottles of brewed and distilled goodies to share. Oh yeah, that's my kind of party. I bought a bottle of Agavero, a tequila liqueur and a bottle of my favorite beer, Gulden Draak, as well as a healthy slice of brie.

I had a great time with friends new and old. I was crowned King of Laborpendence Day. I imbibed a bit too much and ended up sleeping on Becky's couch. All-in-all a pretty good evening.

So, until next year, I leave you all with a drink in hand and a hearty cheer: "Happy Laborpendence Day!"