Monday, September 29, 2008

Well, that's done...

Just stepped down as an admin at UG. It was hard to do, but it needed to be done. Now life should be less stressful and I should have more time for other projects. I just hope the site continues to do well.

In happier news, Karly and I have been together a month now! It's kind of strange, as it feels like we've been together much longer, but Friday, September 29th was the first time we kissed, so I count that as the beginning. So far things are deliriously happy. Here's to the next month, and the next, and so on.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Man, I'm a lousy blogger...

Well, I have twenty minutes left in my lunch hour so I will force myself to update.

1. Dragon*Con - it was fun, but I think three years of the Con may be enough for me. Of course Karly and I became involved there, and it's a big deal to her, so I have no doubts I'll be there next year. I'd like to try GenCon sometime.

2. Karly - Since most of the three people who read this blog are also on UG and/or Facebook I feel like I've gone over all this already. I have a new girlfriend, We've been seeing each other since Friday, August 29th at Dragon*Con. So far everything is going wonderfully well. Karly turns 25 next month; she is an artist, lives in Anderson, and has a 5 year-old autistic child. While she is most certainly a geek, she's not a gamer(other than participating in the Serenity LARP), but she's open to trying out board games, so there's hope for that. So far we're a really good match and I look forward to seeing what the next few months bring.

3. October - is quickly approaching and may threaten to be my busiest month of 2008. We have plans for the Renaissance Faire, UG Campout in NC, Sushi Dinner, Halloween Party, and my company picnic in addition to all the normal weekday stuff like boardgame night, my D&D game, book club, church, etc. I am sad that I have so little time to read or pursue other interests, but I am doing a lot of fun things so I can't complain too much.

4. I'm becoming more worried about our national economy and I'm resolving to spend less and build up my savings again should I lose my job or other disasters strike.

5. After a couple of years of no contact with anyone, and old friend is responding to some of the comments I make on his blog. This is wonderful and I hope someday I can see him again. He has a very hard life right now, and I wish I could do more to help.

So, that's my 20 minute update. Back to work!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Back in Town

Got back in town from Dragon*Con earlier today. Noticed that I only had one entry for August. That's pretty sad. I will post regarding D*C in the next day or two.

Here's a teaser: Love must have been in the air at D*C as in our room of 12 people, we had 4 people inside the room pair off into new couples, including me. Three others in the room also found romantic encounters elsewhere at the con.