Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Weekly Update

Okay, so I haven't updated in a while. Here's what's happened since Friday:

11/21: My 30th birthday. After receiving tons of birthday greetings on Facebook, I went out with Megan to Fitzpatrick's, where a few of the fifteen or so friends I invited would probably show up. We didn't make reservations for a group as we only had two people RSVP that they were coming. At about 7pm we had 13 people total show up, and I had a grand time talking, playing the jester, and mucking about. Thankfully Pher had his camera there. I received a few thoughtful gifts (card games, a candle set) and some even more thoughtful cash, which will go in the leather fund. At 9:30 we left as Megan and the Mandys wanted to see Twilight and we had bought tickets earlier for the 10:00pm showing. The showing was sold out, so those of us without previously purchased tickets had to wait until the 10:30 showing. The movie was okay, better than I thought it would be. I'm not overly familiar with the source material, but you could tell it was carefully crafted.

11/22: Went to visit my parents. My mom made a nice chicken dinner and pineapple cake for my birthday and gave me a card with some cash. More for the leather fund! After that, I drove home. Megan and Josh arrived soon and I hopped in the car to go to Evil Mandy's to have dinner and play boardgames. We played a game of Chez Geek (one of my birthday games), ate Megan's baked spaghetti, and then played Settlers of Catan, and Lord of the Rings Movie Edition Trivial Pursuit. It was a good time other than Josh being pretty cranky that the games weren't for him to play.

11/23: I met up with Megan after church and we spent some time in the mall. I needed to replace the great shaving cream I was given from a mall store a year ago, but of course they didn't have it anymore. We had lunch at the Japanese Hibachi fast food place in the food court, and then we had several hours to kill before the Trans-Siberia Orchestra concert. We went window-shopping at Ashley Furniture, CostCo, and Jason's Oak Furniture. We killed the last half hour or so by driving through some of the really nice houses on McDaniel Avenue near downtown.

The concert itself was fun, but not as awe-inspiring as I was expecting. I didn't care much for the Christmas story narration, and for every song I really enjoyed there were two I found kind of mediocre. The second show after the Christmas narration was more to my taste, being more symphonic rock.

11/24: Went to help an old friend from church hook up his audio/video system after work. I was repaid for my efforts with a nice dinner at Saffron Indian restaurant. Win/Win.

11/25: After work I met Fr. Nikolay at Spill the Beans for conversation and coffee. We talked about my getting back into communion at the church and also about my relationship and various other things. This was the first time I'd ever had a chance to talk with him for more than a couple of minutes, and it was very nice. He is only a year or two older than I, but is turning into an excellent priest. I'm looking forward to another talk sometime in the coming weeks.

Well, that brings us up to date. Tonight after work I'm going to my friend Jeremy's house for some Rock Band and tomorrow will be Thanksgiving at Megan's family. Friday, I'm planning to drive down to Columbia to visit Tandy Leather Factory and get my initial investment of leatherworking tools and materials. Hopefully all will go well.

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