Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Browncoats and other Serenity Apparel

I spent a few hours tonight reading the Dragon*Con Homepage to find out what events, panels, etc., I'd like to attend. After finishing that, I wanted to see if any of the vendors I liked at the GA Renn Faire would be in attendance. One of the company names on the vendor page that caught my eye was Abbyshot Custom Clothiers.

Apparantly they have a 100% accurate version of Mal's browncoat for only $491. Eeegads! Now, I like Mal's coat, and wouldn't mind having a similar one, but I don't really care about having the same 100% screen accurate version because I don't consider myself that much of a fanboy to drop five c-notes. Nevertheless, I found myself caught in a tangent, and spent an hour or so browsing Firefly fan clothing, buttons, etc.

Here are some of the more worthwhile links:

Fashionably Brown - This place has links to western wear companies, patterns for clothing used in the show/film, and links to most of the other clothing sites. Also, the Fashion for Your Ears page has direct links to Firefly filk mp3s if that's your kind of thing.

Browncoat Patches - This is more my kind of thing. Something that a hardcore fan can pick up but doesn't scream dweeb to the masses. I especiall like the Independant Army Shoulder Emblem patch, this is what was used in the series pilot when Mal ripped off the lieutenant's patch to get access codes so he could get some "gorram air support!"

I'm usually not this much of a fanboy, but sometimes I have to uncork the inner geek. Hoorah!

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