Sunday, April 06, 2008

Uneventful Weekend

My only real excitement was on Friday evening (is that technically part of the weekend?) when Andy, Elias, and Jacob came over and we played a lengthy game of Robo-Rally, a great boardgame where each player controls a robot running a race through a dangerous factory. The robots can fall into pits, get crushed, travel on conveyor belts, and even shoot lasers at each other. Elias made fresh guacamole which was incredible. I need to research guac and see how bad it is for diabetics.

My parents were supposed to come over on Saturday at noon to see my new place, but something came up. No big loss.

I went out on Saturday and in addition to running errands (refill RXs, get gas) I went by Boardwalk and Park Place and bought a case of the new D&D Minis set. I've been buying this plasticrack for the past 2.5 years now, and I have over 3,000 in my collection. It's really the only thing I collect other than books and dvds, and I only spend around $200 three times a year so I guess it's not that bad, but it still feels excessive. When I got home with the case, I went through my ritual of opening each booster individually, taking each mini out of the plastic, marking that mini off on a checklist, and putting the cards in protective sleeves. This is a very zen-like process for me.

I also played a few mock minis games to familiarize myself with the new rules, which I think are mostly an improvement. I would like to play this game more often, but I don't know too many other people in Greenville who play.

Other than that I pretty much just hung out at home on Saturday and Sunday. I watched season two of Weeds and most of season one of 30 Rock through Netflix Online and did a bit of straightening up.

I went out to Publix a few hours ago to pick up some groceries, and now I'm in love with their freshly brewed iced tea with Splenda. I need to start making this myself, because at $2.29 a gallon I can go through at least five bucks worth a day.

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