Monday, December 15, 2008

December Part One

Maybe I should abandon the every day mini-update format. I'm getting pretty far behind. We'll continue for the moment, however, and just ignore the days I don't remember.

Tue Dec 2: Good Mandy sent me an email and asked if I wanted to meet her at the downtown Hyatt to meet with the people there to talk about hosting our big Firefly event there. The meeting went very well, and hopefully we'll be able to pull an event off at the Hyatt.

Later that evening, Andy and Scott came over and we played an impromptu game of D&D with Andy DMing. I played a Feypact Warlock and Scott played my brother a Rogue. It was a lot of fun.

Wed 12/3: I met Megan for lunch at her office. We had yummy PB&J's, pretzels, and a banana. I always love these frugal lunches where we can spend time together.

Sat 12/6: At noon I picked up Patrick at his apartment and we had lunch at India Palace. We then checked out an interesting used bookstore in Greer called The Silver Chair which specializes in theology and having a smoking room. I'll definitely be back. After that, we watched Serenity (his first time) and we went to Browncoat Karaoke. Karaoke was okay; We got there late and were seated next to an annoying young girl Tim brought along as a pseudodate. All the songs I sang I had never practiced, so they came out very mediocre. Oh well. We later had dessert at Stax's Omega and called it a night.

Mon 12/8: I drove with Good to Laura and Warren's house to meet with a small group of people and discuss the upcoming shindig. Long-story-short we decided to go for a one day event this year and plan for a three day event next year. Hopefully it will go well, it should be a lot of fun.

Thu 12/11: At Boardgame night Tom taught me to play Dominion and now I am utterly hooked. I played six games online last night, and I'm trying to budget a physical copy($45) into my next paycheck. Curse you Tom! ;)

Fri 12/12: After work, I picked up Patrick, we had a great dinner at the Pita House, then went to my place where we smoked pipes, watched The Boondock Saints (his first time), and practiced a bit of swordplay outside with two of his wasters. Lots of fun.

Sat 12/13: I arrived at The Command Post for UBG's monthly Game Day and ended up playing Race for the Galaxy twice, Dominion twice, and Yetisburg once. After that I met Megan and drove to Dozo's in Easley where had our Browncoat Holiday party. The food was great, but expensive, and the company was just as good. After dinner, Megan, Good, and I went to a different Patrick's house and played a 20 year old version of Trivial Pursuit and ate pecan cake while drinking eggnog. That was fun as well, but I ended up not getting home until nearly 2am.

Sun 12/14: I slept through church and Megan dropped by, woke me up, and we went out for lunch and to discuss upcoming plans. We then went window shopping in a couple of places and hung out for most of the day. After she left, I played xis games of Dominion online.

Well, that brings us up-to-date.


Iaidragon said...

Sounds like you're having an enjoyable and eventful life all-around... Awesome.

Sorry that I've been scarce, lately. The holidays are madness, and family comes first, and gifts make me broke, and all that jazz.

Don't forget to look me up when I get back on the 27th!

David E. Galloway said...

I know how it goes, my friend, and I'll be in that chaos soon enough myself.

Life is pretty good right now. It's about damn time. ;)

I'm looking forward to getting you for a week or two after the 27th. We're planning for the same New Year's party at Laura and Warren's but with more people this time.