Monday, December 29, 2008

Interviewed for a Podcast

This was definitely my most random holiday experience.

Tuesday evening 9pm I was sitting at home minding my own business when my friend Joffre (the proprietor of Silver Chair Books in Greer) called me asking if I'd like to be interviewed for their arts & culture podcast on the topic of board gaming. I never say no to local geek promotion, so an hour later I was at the Silver Chair with coffee and pipe in hand and had a nice talk with Joffre and Andy about board games and gaming in general. I didn't give the best answer to every question, but I've never really been interviewed in-depth before, and I was a bit nervous.

Here is a link to the podcast.

There is a brief poem read before I am brought on (you can skip to 3:54 if you like) and I ramble a lot about various board games and give a few shout outs to Upstate Boardgamers and Upstate Geeks.

It was an interesting experience and a lesson to me that in meeting lots of interesting people sometimes roads cross in ways I would have never imagined. It was a lot of fun.

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