Friday, March 20, 2009

Moving on up...

Well, I'm moving into the house tomorrow. I'm very much looking forward to that and halving my current commute.

We're having some random issue with the hot water heater. It's designed with a pipe that goes outside in case it overflows so the garage doesn't flood, but whenever we turn the water on, the heater itself isn't filling with water but just passing the water out through the overflow pipe. Hopefully we'll get that that figured out tomorrow with the help of Megan's dad. Currently I have the water shut off.

Last night 10 of us gathered at Miyabi's for Chaos Mandy's birthday. It was a lot of fun, but a big hit to the budget. We won't be having another $60 dinner out for a while until we get lots of stuff for the house. It was soooo good, though.

1 comment:

ChaosMandy said...

I really appreciated you all coming out for my birthday - it was an awesome time :D