Thursday, November 05, 2009

Gaming Con Weekend

Well, this weekend Megan and I are going to the MACE Gaming Convention in High Point, NC. This is the third year I've gone to this convention, and although I usually have a pretty good time I think this might be my last time going to an event like this for a while.

I would just much rather play games with my actual friends than with random people at this point in my life. With MACE, ConCarolinas, and DragonCon I've gone to three gaming cons per year for the past few years. I'm sure the $1,000+ I spend at these can be put to better use elsewhere.

Maybe I'll feel differently on Monday. If so, I'll notate that here.

Have a great weekend everyone!


ChaosMandy said...

Have fun! I miss gaming so much so if you ever run a game on a weekend, I'd love to play :)

David E. Galloway said...

Unfortunately I don't see me having the time to run any games in the near future. :(